Sunday, April 12, 2009

Artist Statement...I guess.

Well, here goes:

As of now, the series I'm working on is untitled. It's mainly influenced by my part-time job, as a clerk at CVS Pharmacy. I'm really interested in the "retail culture" that exists among fellow employees and myself. This is only something I've noticed after working retail for a few years now. It's almost like an "us against the world" situation. My series is focusing on this. I've taken portraits of my fellow employees, poking fun at the seriousness that is the retail world. These portraits are just one half of my series. The other half consists of self-portraits, where I'm "acting out" typical scenes that I encounter on the job. In doing this series, I'm hoping to convey the human side of retail, the side that the public doesn't see all the time. I want to poke fun at the whole idea of retail as well, some people take it so seriously it's almost laughable.

1 comment:

  1. I would try and keep a consistent tone through out your statement. You sound like you are "talking" to me sometimes in a conversational tone and in other parts you sound like you are describing your ideas and project through the written word. Its alright to have either, just not both. Otherwise it seems like a good start and an interesting project.
