Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Visiting Artist-Alix Pearlstein

I'm not sure what to think of this month's visiting artist. Some of her work I really liked and some of it, I just didn't get.

I'm not sure if I liked the "Two Women" piece. I thought it was weird and kind of creepy. But it made me think about how obsessed we get with people and how when you're really into somone you'll look at pictures of them all the time, hoping for something more to happen.

"Distance" was interesting. I liked seeing the scene from two different viewpoints. I didn't really understand why everything was happening or what the purpose was of this piece. But I thought it was different and mysterious, so I wanted to find out more.

"Forsaken" was the easiest piece to understand. It was the most obvious of everything we watched. I liked how a lot of her pieces were set in the white studio. It was easier to focus on what was happening between the characters without all of the background noise diverting your attention.

Overall, I liked what I saw...mostly. Some of it I didn't get at all. But I like that because it makes me want to find out more about the work. It makes me want to research the artist more and find out why they're doing what they're doing.

1 comment:

  1. I think sometimes things can be experienced and not understood on a logical level. I think its worth looking more into since it struck something inside you that makes you curious. Alix's work may not be for everyone but if it causes you to question things by all means explore it to your benefit. I think some of what is interesting to Alix is what separates still from motion photography(among other things).
