Sunday, March 15, 2009

Harrison Street Cafe

Wow...this is so late. I have been slacking hardcore.

I wasn't sure if I liked the show at Harrison Street Cafe the first time I saw it. After I saw it two more times though, I came around to it. At first, I didn't like the whole setup of the show. The pictures were hanging above the booths in the cafe and sometimes people were sitting there. So that was somewhat awkward, trying to look at the pictures while people are sitting right there. After we heard PJ Sykes talk in class, the whole setup of the show made sense. Basically, it's about getting the art out there, in places that you wouldn't expect to see art. If you can get it out there to more people, then go for it. I really liked some of the photos and then there were some I just didn't like at all. There were some pictures that I felt looked more amateur than others and I didn't really understand how they were considered "art." But then, what is "art?" I don't know if I can even answer that question. I've heard it debated and rehashed so many times. Overall, I enjoyed the show. I liked seeing photographs on display in a coffee shop, it was a nice change to go into a store rather than walk into a gallery to see art.

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